When you travel to different countries, you might encounter harmful germs that can make you sick because of a weak immune system. That’s why we have “immunizations.” Germs can lead to diseases like Hepatitis A or Yellow Fever, and sometimes these diseases can be really bad, even deadly. But, if you get a shot (vaccination) before you travel, it helps your body fight off these germs.


Think of it like this: the shot shows your body how the germs work, and your body learns how to fight them. So, if you come across those germs while traveling, your body is ready to defend itself before you get sick. It’s important to get your vaccination at least 21 days before you travel to give your body adequate time to build up all the defenses it needs. Some shots, like the one for Rabies, might need even more time.


At our free health clinic in Henderson, NV, we make it easy for you to get the COVID Vaccination. We’re here to help you stay healthy while you travel by providing expert advice and arranging other shots you might need for international travel. Your health matters, and we want to make your travels worry-free!

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What You Can Anticipate in Your Travel Health Program Consultation

During your travel health program consultation, you can expect the following:

  • Risk Assessment: Our healthcare professional will assess your individual health and travel plans to identify any specific risks associated with them.
  • Customized Recommendations: Based on your travel itinerary and health record, you will receive personalized recommendations for necessary precautions or health measures to take during your journey.
  • Health and Safety Tips: Receive valuable tips and information on staying healthy while abroad, including guidance on food and water safety, insect-borne diseases, and general travel hygiene.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Get information on what to do in case of a health emergency while traveling, including contact details for local medical facilities and guidance on when to seek medical assistance.
  • Health Insurance Guidance: Our professionals can provide insights into travel health insurance options and help you understand how to navigate medical services in a foreign country.
  • Follow-Up Planning: Schedule follow-up consultations if needed, ensuring that you have continuous support and information throughout your entire travel experience.


At our Travel Health Program, we are committed to ensuring that you are well-prepared and informed, not only with vaccinations and medications but also with the knowledge and guidance to maintain your health throughout your journey.

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